Upcoming Investor Relations Event - July 1, 2023

  • Jun 15, 2023
  • Arnold L.

Dear Valued Investors, Partners, and Community,

We are pleased to announce that Zenind Inc., a leading business solutions provider, will be hosting its inaugural Investor Relations Event on July 1, 2023. We cordially invite you to this insightful gathering, which will be conducted via Zoom, ensuring convenience and accessibility for all our stakeholders globally.

Event Details:

Date: July 1, 2023

Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Standard Time

Platform: Zoom Video Communications

Our aim is to maintain a strong bond with our investment community by offering transparency and fostering open dialogues. This event will provide you with an opportunity to connect directly with Zenind Inc.'s leadership team, learn more about our strategic vision, current business performance, future growth plans, and receive updates on our latest initiatives.

We believe that this is a unique opportunity to interact, ask questions, and gain deeper insights into the workings of our company. Your participation and feedback are invaluable to us, helping to shape our direction and strategies as we continue to grow and evolve.

To RSVP, please register at the following link: [Please Insert Registration Link Here]. Once registered, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting details.

As a committed partner in your investment journey, we appreciate your ongoing support and are excited about sharing our vision and updates with you during this event. We are looking forward to an insightful discussion and a constructive exchange of ideas.

For any additional information or queries, feel free to reach out to our Investor Relations team at [Please Insert Contact Information Here].

Thank you once again for your support and interest in Zenind Inc. Together, we are charting a course for a prosperous and sustainable future.